By default, if an exam contains a link to an external web domain, students can view the initial page but all links and navigation from that page are blocked.
With the LockDown Browser Dashboard "Advanced Settings - Allow access to specific external web domains" option, the setting allows a student to access any page or link within the specified domain during a test while using Respondus Lockdown Browser. This is useful, for example, to provide access to an e-book during an exam.
To add a valid site, such as a publisher's e-book, the instructor must first add the web links to the exam itself, usually the first question. The link cannot be in any exam instructions outside the active exam. The web links must also be configured to "open in a new window or new tab", not the "same window".
The following publishers have been tested successfully in Respondus LockDown Browser to view the ebook for the class. Listed with each publisher are the whitelist URLs that must be added to the Advanced Settings for the Respondus Lockdown Browser test to allow studetn to access said links during a test:
(example of Advanced Settings for a Lockdown Browser test)
Cengage URLs,,,, |
If there is publisher content/ebook that you would like to use during a Respondus Lockdown Browser test, please contact ATS. We will work with you to attempt to allow this functionality to be available. ATS can be contacted at or by calling 419-434-4357 option 2.